Election Toolkit

Resources to help you canvas the canvassers


We have developed a set of resources (scroll down to the green buttons to see them) to help you talk about climate when canvassers call to your door! 

When conversations with friends, neighbours or colleagues turn to the election, we need to think climate and talk about how faster and fairer climate action can mean better public services, more connected communities, and a healthier, cleaner, safer future for all. And say that we'll be thinking about these things when we vote!

We know what needs to be done. The good news is that we are not waiting for new inventions or innovations. We have the technology. The vast bulk of the emissions reductions we need this decade can be achieved by decarbonizing electricity, electrifying heat and transport, diversifying agriculture, and destroying demand for fossil fuels. 

girl cycling

People power is the answer, starting on our own doorsteps. Candidates and canvassers will be streaming to our doors over the next year looking for our votes. 

What’s needed is political will.  The main moment of renewal is election time. Not just in the voting and the results but in the conversations and in the campaigning that happens before elections.

And we have three within the next year: the local, European and General. 

planet repair

As the Local and European elections are on June 7th 2024 we have focused on developing elections demands for both these elections. 

Politicians need to hear these demands on the doorstep, at the church gate, at the supermarket, wherever we meet them. Put simply, the more we say climate change, the more they will do climate action. 

The resources below should be helpful to guide your conversations with your community and election candidates. 

Election campaigning resources

Click here for Local & EU Elections Demand Leaflet

Click here for Myth Busters

Click here for Social Media Toolkit

Week of Action (23rd-31st May)

Map of Events & Actions

Week of Action Briefing Document

E-action to email council election candidates

Online Hustings with MEP candidates

Election Policy Documents

Click here for Local Election Policy doc

Click here for EU Election Policy doc