Close the loopholes in the Climate Bill

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It’s hard to believe but Ireland could have a strong climate law before the year is out.

For the first time ever - and after years of campaigning - this is actually a distinct possibility. But - and this is what fills me with dread - there’s also a chance that this climate law could end up unfit for purpose.

Friends of the Earth, working with our partners in the Stop Climate Chaos coalition, have identified some very concerning loopholes in the climate law’s draft text. Loopholes that could undermine the law’s ability to drive emission reductions.

Could you email your TDs about these loopholes?

Act now: Email your TDs!

It’s absolutely crucial that we convince the Government to close those loopholes in the Climate Bill. And we’ve a precious, but short, window of opportunity to do this now. As I write this, a cross party committee of TDs and senators is examining the Bill - and they can influence its final text. We need to make them aware of our concerns! And pile on the pressure asking them to support Stop Climate Chaos’s demands to close the loopholes.

Act now: Email your TDs!

When we first started campaigning for a climate law we had very little political support. To be honest, I think many people were laughing behind our backs! But thanks to our supporters who continue to take these actions and support our work - a strong climate law for Ireland is now very credible. And we’re so close to achieving it - if we can just get these loopholes closed before the final law is passed! If hundreds of us take action I do believe we can clear this last hurdle.

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Climate Change