Online workshop: Young people & climate decision making at local and EU levels

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This May, in advance of the upcoming local and EU elections, Friends of the Earth has partnered with Concern, Oxfam and Young Friends of the Earth Ireland to host two online workshops.

Participants will LEARN about climate decision making at local and EU levels, CONNECT with other young people who care about these issues and offer key opportunities to TAKE ACTION in the lead up to the elections. Read more below to find out how you can get involved!

Why you should attend?

The coming year has many opportunities to influence our decision makers about climate justice. In a few short weeks we will be asked to vote at local and EU elections and within the year we will also be voting in a new national government. 

It is important that young people understand how these structures connect to climate decision making and know what is happening - as all of the discussions and many of the decisions will directly affect youth and future generations of young people.


  • Deepening young people’s understanding of how local councils and the European Parliament work and how decisions get made.
  • Exploring some of the different climate decisions that get made at local and EU levels.
  • Opportunity for young people to connect with one another and share their concerns in the lead up to local and EU elections.
  • Exploring climate related decisions that directly affect youth and future generations of young people collectively.
  • Exploring opportunities for taking action to bring youth voices and concerns to the attention of local and EU decision makers.

This is a two-part online workshop series that is aimed at young people between 18-30. 

Session 1: Wednesday 15th of May: 7 - 8:30pm (ONLINE)

This workshop will focus on better understanding how exactly local councils function and how the EU parliament functions and what kinds of climate decisions get made at these different levels. 

Session 2: Tuesday 21st of May: 7 - 8:30pm (ONLINE)

This workshop will focus on exploring in a little more depth some of the most pressing climate issues that are present at both local and EU levels. There will be opportunities for sharing youth perspectives/ concerns/ ideas/ visions/ solutions as well as opportunities for taking action in the lead up to the upcoming elections.

Delivered by

The workshops will be delivered by Friends of the Earth, Concern, Oxfam and Young friends of the Earth Ireland. We will also be welcoming some local activists and groups as well as some EU partners to join us to offer some of their expertise and experience in engaging and influencing local and EU climate decision making processes. 


This workshop series is part of a wider Global Citizenship Education project, ‘Collaborating to help build an inclusive and diverse movement with the knowledge and skills to be active global citizens committed to a fairer and more sustainable future for all.’ Funded by Irish Aid and co-funded by Concern, supported by Friends of the Earth, Oxfam and Young Friends of the Earth. 


foe 50Irish_Aid_logoConcern_RGBOxfam Logo (Green on White)Young FoE Ireland Logo