Data centres

Driving gas demand in the wrong direction

Data centres now use more than 20% of the nation's total electricity - that’s more electricity than all the urban homes in the country combined and twice as much as all rural households. This is forecast to grow to a staggering 30% by 2030 - data centres are predicted to consume almost one third of Ireland’s grid power. If this is allowed to happen it would create additional need for fossil fuel generation, particularly gas generation.

Take our e-action on data centres

Data centres can also be used as justification for building new fossil fuel infrastructure, such as terminals to import highly polluting fracked liquefied natural gas (LNG). We’ve produced a short resource on why Ireland doesn’t need more data centres and why it’s important to campaign against them. 

Click here to download our briefing on data centres

In June 2023 we hosted a webinar to explore why and how we need to challenge data centre expansion in Ireland. You can watch it back here or via the screen below.