Cuppa for Climate to Culture Night

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Come and join us on Friday 22nd September!

Friends of the Earth is bringing Cuppa for Climate to Culture Night. Culture Night is a national moment that is happening all over Ireland to celebrate culture, creativity and the arts. We are teaming up with WeAct, a campaign to celebrate the impact of Ireland’s charities and community groups.

So what is happening?

Back in April we launched our Cuppa for Climate campaign, an initiative for people to get together to talk about the climate crisis and explore positive actions for change in a friendly and informal way - while supporting the work of Friends of the Earth. By bringing it to Culture Night, we get to introduce more people to the work of Friends of the Earth, encourage them to host their own Cuppa for Climate and take further action on climate with us  

When and where?

Friday, 22nd of September at Third Space Cafe, Smithfield.

There will be three sessions, each starting at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. 

Register to join us at the links below! The event is free but places are limited so please only RSVP if you are sure you can make it.

Register for Session 1: 7-8 pm

Register for Session 2: 8-9 pm

Register for Session 3: 9-10 pm

This is a fantastic chance to meet fellow environmental enthusiasts and inspire new people to join the climate movement! Hope you can join us!