Press Releases

Government decision to establish Just Transition Commission welcome

Unions and climate campaigners have been calling for this step for years Friends of the Earth has welcomed …

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Friends of the Earth raises concerns regarding Bord na Móna and Amazon Energy Deal

Friends of the Earth has today questioned an energy deal between Bord na Móna and Amazon. …

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Government Home Energy Upgrade Loan Scheme

On Wed 24 April, the Government launched their new 

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Earth Day conference challenges political parties on their climate action plans

Representatives from seven political parties laid out their views on climate action As Earth …

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No sign of climate “backlash” in Irish public opinion

New research from Ireland Thinks shows people concerned about climate change, supportive of climate action, with no …

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Friends of the Earth calls for ban on fossil fuel sponsorship as Texaco Art winners announced

Friends of the Earth has called on the government to support legislation to ban …

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Showing 14 - 19 of 363