Press Releases

Friends of the Earth to kick off Big Ask Tour in Limerick

Roadshow of climate change talks starts on Thursday 2nd April Friends of the Earth will be holding a multimedia …

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Green Party calls for a climate law

"Party now has the mandate, the leverage and the opportunity to deliver on climate change" Friends of the Earth has welcomed the …

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Friends of the Earth Welcomes Motion at Green Party Convention

Greens to debate support for a climate law in Wexford this weekend Friends of the Earth has welcomed the …

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Significant Oil Spill South of the Irish Coastline

Friends of the Earth calls for a full investigation "Friends of the Earth has said the oil spill is a disaster that …

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Friends of the Earth Welcomes climate bill's first step in the Dáil

"Government should support this bill or introduce its own"

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Dublin bus cuts enivironmentally retrograde

Environmental groups have called the 10% cut in Dublin buses 'environmentally retrograde'.   'Removing 10% of its buses means …

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