Press Releases

Business leaders back call for strong climate law.

Business leaders back call for strong climate law Irish Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change launched yesterday.   A …

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Friends of the Earth welcomes landmark Government decision on climate law

A strong climate law would be a real achievement for Greens in government Friends of the Earth has …

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";Obama is more Bush than Gore"; say environmentalists as Bonn talks end

Climate talks fail to progress as rich world dodges responsibility Friends of the Earth has blamed …

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Minister Ryan's announcement on climate change law welcome

Government must now pass a strong law before Copenhagen summit Friends of the Earth has welcomed the announcement by …

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Government refuses to name a date for climate law debate

Greens miss vote and "must now deliver a Government bill" The Government today refused to set a date for an …

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Gormley's call for climate change legislation welcome

A strong law "key to a low-carbon recovery" John Gormley's confirmation that the Green Party will demand a …

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