Our News

The Age of Stupid is coming to Ireland

The Age of Stupid is the new film from McLibel director Franny Armstrong. It stars Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the …

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Scientists warn world leaders to act on climate before it's too late

Final communique from the Copenhagen climate science conference. Times online The world is on the brink of …

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Copenhagen Congress on latest climate science

BBC Matt McGrath More bad news on climate change is expected as more than 2,000 climate scientists gather in Copenhagen. They …

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Green Party calls for a climate law

"Party now has the mandate, the leverage and the opportunity to deliver on climate change" Friends of the Earth has welcomed the …

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Friends of the Earth Welcomes Motion at Green Party Convention

Greens to debate support for a climate law in Wexford this weekend Friends of the Earth has welcomed the …

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Environment ministers pass the buck on climate financing

Euractiv Environment ministers failed yesterday (2 March) to hammer out an EU position for global climate talks, …

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