Our News

Airlines call for aviation's inclusion in Copenhagen deal

International Herald Tribune SINGAPORE: Four leading airlines and an airport operator called Thursday for aviation …

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Significant Oil Spill South of the Irish Coastline

Friends of the Earth calls for a full investigation "Friends of the Earth has said the oil spill is a disaster that …

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Research shows 7000 new jobs in energy efficiency

Seven thousand jobs could be created in environmental retrofitting across the economy, according to research released today …

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Dublin FoE meeting, this Thursday 12th February

Dublin Friends of the Earth is meeting on Thursday, Febuary 12, upstairs in the Legal Eagle beside the Four Courts at 8 p.m. We …

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Friends of the Earth is recruiting Board members

Are you a potential board member of Friends of the Earth? Since our launch in 2004 Friends of the Earth has become Ireland's …

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Global warming not over despite bad weather

A weekend of snow-filled fun for some, cold misery for others. Is it all related to global warming? RAY BATES, adjunct professor of …

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