Our News

Dublin bus cuts enivironmentally retrograde

Environmental groups have called the 10% cut in Dublin buses 'environmentally retrograde'.   'Removing 10% of its buses means …

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Dublin FoE meeting, this Thursday 22nd January

Dublin Friends of the Earth are meeting upstairs in the Legal Eagle beside the Four Courts tomorrow, Thursday 22nd at 7.30 p.m. …

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Mobilizar, Resistir, Transformar

FRIDAY 18TH -' Mobilizar, Resistir, Transformar' It's time to leave. I'm typing my final entry at the FoEI stall at the Klimaforum, as we sell …

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Friends of The Earth Welcomes climate Change Bill

"Government should support bill or introduce its own" Friends of the Earth has welcomed the publication of an …

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Labour Publishes climate change bill

The Irish Times Ireland must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by some 80 per cent by 2050 if "catastrophic" climate change is …

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Labour bill makes Cowen responsible for CO2 pledges

The Irish Times by MARK HENNESSY, TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen would be made personally responsible for meeting Ireland's …

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