Our News

Australian wildfire ferocity linked to climate change say experts

AFP SYDNEY -- Australia is naturally the most fire-prone continent on earth but climate change appears to be

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Friends of the Earth Welcomes climate bill's first step in the Dáil

"Government should support this bill or introduce its own"

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Gilmore moves first stage of major climate bill

The Leader of the Labour Party, Eamon Gilmore TD today in the Dail moved the First Stage on a major Labour Party, Private …

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First Green Drinks of 2009 - Tuesday 3 Febraury

The First Green Drinks of 2009 will take place on Tuesday 3 February from 6pm in the South William Bar in South William Street, …

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Emporer penguins face extinction

BBC NEWS Less ice could spell bad news for a great many species Emperor penguins, whose long treks across Antarctic ice to mate have been …

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Our Policy Officer looks at the climate policy landscape for 2009

Molly Walsh, Friends of the Earth Policy Officer, who represented the organisation at last month's UN climate …

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